The Glory of God as the Goal of Theology in Dispensationalism
Unlike non-dispensational systems that take a simplistic-reductionalist, man-centered approach in God's redemptive plan and purpose in history by being too exclusively focused on man's individual salvation, as if it's the only thing that gives glory to God, Dispensationalism gives more proper attention to the whole counsel of God and gives God His due glory as He declared in His word. God's purposes is more than just individual election, regeneration, justification, sanctification, and glorification. While this is not exhaustive, God's purposes in history includes the following subjects. Nations - national election, regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. God will one day bring His elect nation, Israel, to national repentance and circumcise their hearts that they will all receive their Messiah who will save them from their enemies, bring them to their own land in fulfillment of God's covenant with Abraham, and establish the Messianic Kingdom in Israel ...