Happiness: Marxism vs Capitalism (Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek debates Jordan Peterson)
These men have touched some of the deep problems of humanity and being among some of the best minds among men have made brilliant observations, analyses, and offered possible solutions to create a better kingdom of man. I like the realistic pessimism of both men especially Zizek that admit the reality of man's wickedness and none of them offers a perfect systematized cure for everything to bring about a guaranteed utopia.
What's incredible is they have thought hard and deep about these serious issues and considered the contribution of the Judeo-Christian worldview but just like what Zizek said, people nowadays hold to ideologies that work even if they don't believe in it. The thing about Christianity is it doesn't work if you don't believe. Sure, you may enjoy some temporal benefits of following biblical wisdom but as Jesus said, what good is it even if you gain the whole world yet lose your soul? Christianity is not about just having a good short life here on earth. They missed the fundamental problem of humanity which is relational separation from God in unbelief. Our main problem is that we are spiritually dead in sin which permeates all aspects of human earthly existence and will ultimately result in God's righteous judgment of eternal damnation in hell.
They should have given up devising ways to save mankind and turn to God the only Savior. Zizek admitted that philosophy, the wisdom of man, cannot see the future and we can just struggle our way through some form of trial and error. But God knows the future. In fact, He is King of history and ordained everything whatsoever comes to pass and He has given us His word for us to follow and enjoy His promised blessings upon obedience and also to know His plans for the future. If we want visible proof of that just study the history of prophetic fulfillments on Israel, its destruction and scattering and its current state of being regathered and reestablished as a nation all in accordance to prophecy. We can be sure God will also fulfill His future promises to restore His theocratic kingdom on Israel which will expand to the whole world resolving all socio-economic, geo-political, cultural, and environmental problems. Zizek says, and Peterson agrees, that man cannot be happy pursuing happiness itself but it only comes as a by-product of pursuing something else worthwhile. That's why Jesus said seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness because that is the most worthwhile pursuit in life and only in it we find true happiness.
Zizek argues that a bigger government with less freedom and personal responsibility spares man of unhappiness if he fails and bears the guilt and consequences on his own rather than blaming someone else. Peterson wants less government with more freedom and responsibility so man can grow stronger and wiser learning from his own failures. They have some mystical attraction to the christian concept of grace because of the "unbearable burdens of life". Unfortunately, as Peterson observes, people are often possessed by ideas not their own, or worse, personalities not their own and are often untruthful to ourselves. If we are true to ourselves we know we cannot bear the burdens brought about by our sin so we should heed Jesus' gracious offer to cast our burdens upon Him.
Peterson's concern about the dangerous and chaotic effects of Marxist ideology that we are now seeing the driving philosophy of radical groups seem justified. Out of the two systems, capitalism, with all its flaws and inability to restrain human sinful abuse, is still far closer to biblical principles. It would be better not to stray far from God's wisdom only to rely on human ingenuity without a heart that humbly submits to God. Hardened hearts that reject, defy, or ignore God's moral law is the cause of many social ills. On the other hand, proud hearts that boast in their morality and self-righteousness that fail to see their need for the Savior is the cause of many souls tormented forever in hell.
These intellectuals have certainly stumbled upon matters of unimaginable depth and complexities that are almost impossible to solve even in theory. But I believe the answer is in the greatest Intellectual of all time who walked the earth, God in the flesh, Infinite Wisdom Himself, Jesus Christ. Our pride, selfishness, foolishness, greed, lust, weakness, frailty, mortality, fallibility, finitude should wipe away all trust and hope of ever solving our greatest problems by ourselves. We need help from outside of us because we are the very problem. So long as mankind continue our rebellion against our Creator, the world will suffer the curse of sin. For creation to be restored to its perfect condition as before the fall, mankind's broken relationship with God must be fixed first.
When Jesus started His ministry He preached, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand, repent and believe the gospel". The perfect world that everybody desires can only be established by the perfect man, God-man, Jesus. His kingdom can only be entered by repenting of sin and trusting in His sacrifice on the cross to atone for our sins and give us His perfect righteousness. Our sinful nature has to be reborn by the Spirit of God and be indwelt by Him that will enable us to deny ourselves and follow Jesus.
By following Jesus we are freed from the slavery of sin and become a slave of righteousness, being enabled increasingly to obey His commandments to love our God with our whole being and our neighbor as ourselves. Looking not only on our own interests but more of others, giving, forgiving, helping, teaching, protecting, mourning and rejoicing with. We will continue to suffer troubles in this fallen world but will be helped by divine power to overcome it through faith.
One day Jesus will come again and He will establish His kingdom on earth. The world government will be on His shoulders and He will rule with a rod of iron in a theocratic kingdom together with His glorified saints in perfect righteousness. Totalitarian rule is desirable only if the ruler is incorruptibly good and loves his people with the greatest love so as to die for them sacrificially which Jesus demonstrated when He laid down His life and died on the cross. He will restore the cosmos to its Edenic, uncursed condition eliminating all the environmental problems we so fear today. After His successful earthly reign, He will hand over His earthly kingdom to the Father and create the New Heavens and New Earth, the merging of heaven and earth, where there is no more sin and death nor sorrow and pain. There will be forever enjoyment of perfect loving relationship between the Holy Triune God and sanctified mankind. Until then, we should continue to pray 'Your kingdom come'.
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